Just saw that Focus Features' site Film In Focus published an interview that they did with me several months ago; very cool, check it out . Also check out the Movie City: Washington, DC section at FilmInFocus ; several interesting articles about DC & the movies. - Sujewa
A comedy about several first dates. A movie by Sujewa Ekanayake. Premiered in Washington DC in 2006. Screened in Washington DC, Seattle WA, New York City (Manhattan), Kensington MD, Takoma Park MD, Silver Spring, MD, New York City (Brooklyn) 2006 - 2009. "Witty" - GreenCine Daily, "Funny" - The Chutry Experiment, "Sexy" - Hollywood Is Talking. Date Number One Copyright 2006 Sujewa Ekanayake/Wild Diner Films.